向上游教育慈善基金(“向上游”)收集你的個人資料目的為: (1) 處理報名申請 (包括通訊及意見收集),(2) 研究,分析或统計,(3) 在得到你事先同意的前提下,與你分享有關本基金舉辦的籌款活動或訓練課程等推廣資訊。倘若你不願意收取上述第(3)項的推廣資訊,請於方格內加上「✓」號。如欲查詢、更改,或要求本基金停用你的個人資料,請致電3150-6049 或 電郵 info@uplift.org.hk 與本局職員聯絡。 □ 本人不同意義務工作發展局使用我的個人資料作上述第(3)項所述的推廣用途。 Uplift Educational Charity Foundation (“Uplift”) collects your personal data for the purposes of (1) administering your application (including communication and feedback handling), (2) undertaking research, analysis, and statistics, and (3) promotion of fundraising, training and other events opportunities. Please (✓) in the box below if you do not wish to receive information in relation to (3) above. For correction of, access to, or request for cessation of the use of your personal data, please contact us at 3150-6049 or by email info@uplift.org.hk. 口 I object to the use of my personal data for the direct marketing purposes stated in (3) above.